
First knowledgescotland Open House Event A Great Success

Researchers from the Macaulay Institute, Moredun Research Institute, SAC (Scottish Agricultural College) and Scottish Crop Research Institute were on hand to discuss some of their recent work. A wide range of research was represented with visitors able to learn about the consequences of reduced sheep grazing in the uplands; how to determine the most cost-effective way to tackle climate change; current modelling work looking at landscape change; research on plant and animal diseases such as sudden oak death and squirrelpox; and recent work on biodiversity in lowland arable landscapes.     

Visitors were enthusiastic in their support of these one-to-one events, where Scotland’s policy-relevant research could be explored in detail from a broad range of perspectives. One commented that the “interaction with researchers was excellent and really helped to explain the work being carried out in an easy to digest way”.
Further events are being organised across Scotland with host institutions including the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, the Scottish Government, Forestry Commission Scotland and Food Standards Agency Scotland. Confirmed dates will be available during the next few months and details can be found on the events page of the knowledgescotland website.
For any further information on knowledgescotland events, please contact Andrew.Midgley@sac.ac.uk.

Published on 27 March 2009