Understanding Biodiversity - summary of key research findings

Three new booklets have been produced by the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute to summarise some of the key findings and research outputs from the Scottish Government’s Environment – Land Use and Rural Stewardship research programme.

‘Biodiversity and Farming’ explores the relationship between farming and biodiversity, what has happened to biodiversity in farming landscapes, how current policy might affect it and can we improve the way land is managed for biodiversity and other benefits.

‘Sustainable Upland Management’ focuses on managing the multiple services the Scottish uplands provide, and deals with issues relating to the management of game and grazing animals which are central to rural livelihoods and how this affects biodiversity.

‘Woodland Biodiversity’ presents a range of articles spanning a wide range of ecological levels from the autecology of single woodland species through to community diversity and processes of successional vegetation change, ecosystem function, large scale landscape and genetic variation across Scotland to guide us in planning future woodlands for different biodiversity and landscape goals.

The Environment – Land Use and Rural Stewardship research programme was funded by the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environment Research and Analysis Directorate from 2006 to 2011 and involved researchers from Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland, the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Moredun Research Institute and Scottish Agricultural College.

Work was also co-funded by the EU FP7 programme and UK Research Councils.

More information on the Environment - Land Use and Rural Stewardship research programme.


Published on 17 February 2011 in Ecosystems and biodiversity