Latest Briefing in Food, health and wellbeing for 2010

The role of muscle in appetite control
Diet and lifestyle change are likely to be the most pragmatic approaches to reducing obesity and improving outcomes for co-morbidities such as diabetes. Dieting is often the primary approach to weight loss, however, dieting in most cases is ineffective over the long term, with lost weight regained when dieting ceases. This is due to a combination of a reduced metabolic rate experienced during weight loss and the action of a powerful homeostatic system in the brain to defend a perceived appropriate body mass. Exercise is a lifestyle change that is often tried alone or in conjunction with diet to reduce weight and has beneficial effects on metabolic health in addition to weight loss, including improvement in insulin sensitivity. Exercise combined with dieting is often the most effective intervention at weight loss maintenance.
Depending upon the level of exercise, food intake may or may not be adjusted to compensate for energy expended. In humans the relationship between exercise and food intake seems poorly connected at least over short timescales and in the longer term energy expenditure may be compensated for by increased food intake in some individuals and not in others.
Skeletal muscle is the largest pool of protein in the body and constitutes nearly 50% of total body mass, contributing up to 40% of energy expended in the resting state. During growth protein is required to provide the building blocks of increased muscle mass. Studies in juvenile rodents at RINH have shown that during growth when lean mass (muscle) is increasing, protein content of a diet determines the level of food intake. This would implicate lean mass as an important determinant of food intake and suggests that food intake is set by the requirement to satisfy the need to maintain or increase lean tissue. This is important as lean mass varies as a result of obesity, dieting and exercise as well as lifestage, increasing dramatically in early years during growth and decreasing in later life, leading to sarcopenia (loss of muscle) in the elderly.
Recently the discovery of the cytokine, IL-6 as a circulating hormone produced and secreted from contracting muscle supports the contention that hormones produced and secreted from muscle can influence metabolism and establishes muscle as an endocrine organ. This discovery provides a conceptual basis for communication between exercised muscle and organs of the body including the brain. Until now we have not appreciated the potential influence of muscle on the ability to regulate appetite and that muscle derived factors produced during exercise, growth or in response to nutrient availability could relay a signal either directly or indirectly to the brain to adjust feeling of hunger and behaviour, including amount or type of food consumed for short-term and long-term needs.
Published on 10 December 2010 in Food, health and wellbeing
Briefings in Food, health and wellbeing for 2010
Berry components may influence fat digestion and obesity
In Scotland, 1 in 4 adults can be categorised as obese with all projections suggesting an increasing trend over the next decades. Read more
Published on 6 December 2010 in Food, health and wellbeing
Poxvirus Infections: Important threat to both animal and human health
Poxviruses cause painful diseases in animal and humans, threatening both health and productivity. Moredun researchers have identified potential treatments for the major pox virus in the UK but further research is required to protect both livestock and human health in the future. Read more
Published on 25 November 2010 in Food, health and wellbeing
Berries may improve insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetics
Diabetes presents a serious health challenge for Scotland. The genus Vaccinium (e.g. blueberry, blaeberry), has been used traditionally as a source of folk remedies for established diabetic symptoms. Read more
Published on 23 November 2010 in Food, health and wellbeing
Probiotics and Prebiotics: effects on the gut microbiota
There has been a significant increase in the number of food products containing either probiotics or prebiotics reaching the supermarket shelf in recent years and the myriad of health claims associated with these products is very confusing. Read more
Published on 11 November 2010 in Food, health and wellbeing
Potato Nutritional and Sensory Quality
In the UK the potato supply chain is of major economic importance. In Scotland the seed potato industry is particularly important and there is a strong demand for new improved cultivars that can compete internationally. Read more
Published on 28 October 2010 in Food, health and wellbeing
The use of Vaccination and diagnostics to support the sustainable control of Ectoparasites
Sheep scab (caused by the sheep scab mite Psorptes ovis) is endemic in the UK and is one of the most important diseases for the sheep industry. Read more
Published on 25 October 2010 in Sustainability and Communities , Food, health and wellbeing
Diet and Deprivation
Social disadvantage in the UK persists throughout life and across the generations and is proving increasingly difficult to overcome. Read more
Published on 21 October 2010 in Food, health and wellbeing
Dietary Selenium and Cardiovascular Health
Selenium is a dietary micronutrient essential for maintaining optimal health in both animals and humans. Read more
Published on 20 October 2010 in Food, health and wellbeing
Plants and Plant Extracts to Replace Growth-Promoting Antibiotics in Farm Livestock Production
Antibiotics were used as growth promoters (GPA) in poultry, pig and ruminant livestock production for more than 40 years before their ban by the European Commission at the beginning of 2006. Read more
Published on 1 September 2010 in Sustainability and Communities , Food, health and wellbeing
Beef Cow Management in Scotland: A Sensitive Balancing Act
Management of beef suckler cow enterprises requires a difficult but vitally important balance between the need for farm profits, animal health and welfare and sustainable food production. Read more
Published on 30 August 2010 in Sustainability and Communities , Food, health and wellbeing