Report from the Climate Change and Carbon Management Workshop
SAC’s Carbon Management Centre organised this workshop in conjunction with Programme and Theme leaders of the Scottish Government's RESAS strategic research programme to explore the linkages between research on climate change and carbon management. It was hosted at the James Hutton Institute Aberdeen on 1 March 2012.
Two multidisciplinary programmes cover Environmental Change and Food Land and People with the aim of informing policy on the major issues of climate change, land use and food security.
Read the report and see the pressentations here:
- PDF file: Report from the Climate Change and Carbon Management Workshop (1.9 MB)
- PDF file: Presentations from the Climate Change and Carbon Management Workshop (10 MB)
Published on 18 April 2012 in Sustainability and Communities , Climate, water and energy , Ecosystems and biodiversity , Food, health and wellbeing
- Climate, water and energy
- Ecosystems and biodiversity
- Food, health and wellbeing
- Sustainability and Communities