Scotland's Wild Deer - A National Approach

Scotland's Wild Deer - A National Approach sets out a joint agency and stakeholder vision for the delivery of sustainable deer management. A key guiding principle is to underpin its delivery with sound scientific research and the best available evidence.

This seminar will consider how this can be achieved through the existing research related to deer that will be needed in the future and to suggest research projects.

The event is open to all so please forward this invitation on to other parties who may be interested in attending.
To register for attending the event, please email or phone 01463 725000 with the following details:
Email address
Dietary and any other requirements

A full agenda and location will be emailed to participants prior to the seminar which takes place on Monday 29 March 2010, 10:30am - 3pm, with lunch provided, Birnam Institute, Station Road, Birnam, Dunkeld, PH8 0DS.

To discuss any other aspect of the seminar, please contact Fiona Newcombe by email or by telephone on 01463 725366.
Further information on Scotland's Wild Deer - A National Approach can be found at

Published on 23 February 2010 in Ecosystems and biodiversity